flaneur|flaneurs in English


(French) loafer, aimless idler; dawdler; (Informal) dandy

Use "flaneur|flaneurs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flaneur|flaneurs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flaneur|flaneurs", or refer to the context using the word "flaneur|flaneurs" in the English Dictionary.

1. The analogy of empiricism and essayism emphasizes not system but experience and observation--those qualities noted later by Henry James when he described Balzac's fiction as "social botanizing," and by Walter Benjamin when he famously characterized Baudelaire as "the flaneur who goes Botanising …

2. ‘But he's not just the witty Boulevardier whose model looks have made him the thinking female student's crumpet for years.’ ‘It was a spectacular day for an idle Boulevardier with time to kill in America's premier walking city.’ ‘It turns the Boulevardier into a sequestered individual, the flaneur into a figure of privacy.’

3. ‘But he's not just the witty Boulevardier whose model looks have made him the thinking female student's crumpet for years.’ ‘It was a spectacular day for an idle Boulevardier with time to kill in America's premier walking city.’ ‘It turns the Boulevardier into a sequestered individual, the flaneur into a figure of privacy.’